Son welcome!
Our first Escape Room is located in the center of Appenzell, directly at the Ziel P3 car park (free parking for 1.5 hours ;).
Here you will find around 1.5 hours of active leisure entertainment for children and adults in the middle of Appenzell.
But what is an escape room and forwho is this?
Escape rooms in German: escape rooms.
The aim is to free yourself and your team from one or more rooms through logical combinations, teamwork, skill and patience or simply trying.
Anyone who now thinks of a desert-like, claustrophobic small room is at least often wrong. Most of the rooms are pleasantly large and lovingly furnished.
When I first heard about an escape room, this was one of my first thoughts ;)
Am I really locked in there?
The answer to that is yes and no. Yes, you will be locked in, but no, you could "free yourself" from the room at any time using an escape route without having to solve a puzzle.
Are we there alone?
In the room itself you are on your own and we do not listen to you either. However, the game maker is now coming on board. He controls the game and can help you, make it more difficult for you if the puzzles are too easy for you and is always at your side via radio.